Πρόκειται για έναν από τους πιο περίεργους διαγωνισμούς ever : επιστήμονες καλούνται να χορέψουν το θέμα της διδακτορικής τους διατριβής, να βινετοσκοπήσουν το πόνημα και να το δημοσιοποιήσουν στον πλανήτη (μέσω youtube), σε μια προσπάθεια διασκεδαστικής υπέρβασης της έννοιας interdisciplinarity!!!!!
Προχθές ανακοινώθηκαν οι νικητές του διαγωνισμού Dance your PhD 2009:
Κατηγορία Graduate Students :
Νικήτρια η Sue Lynn Lau από το Garvan Institute of Medical Research (Sydney, Australia) με θέμα "The role of Vitamin D in beta-cell function".
Synopsis: Every PhD begins in the dark, but it takes only a few bright sparks to kindle the flame of discovery...
The crucial role of sunlight exposure as the most important source of vitamin D in humans is highlighted. Vitamin D is newly recognised to be involved in the function of many organ systems, including the beta cells of the endocrine pancreas. These cells make insulin in response to glucose stimulation.
Initially, the beta cells are in an unstimulated state, with minimal activity. At the arrival of the sugar plum fairy (symbolising glucose), the cells are able to sense the presence of glucose through the enzyme glucokinase. When glucose enters the cells through glut 2 transporters (marshmallow feeding), it is metabolised to produce the energy molecule, ATP. Through a number of steps, this leads to a rise in positive charge inside the cell, which ultimately triggers the export of insulin-storing granules by a process known as exocytosis (depicted here by the blowing of bubbles). Normal insulin secretion requires the coordinated function of beta cells via intercellular connections and communications as they work in concert.
We are investigating whether vitamin D has an effect in improving beta-cell function and increasing insulin secretion... are they "walking on sunshine"??
Κατηγορία Postdocs :Νικήτρια η Miriam Sach, τώρα ερευνήτρια στο University of California, Davis, με θέμα "Cerebral activation patterns induced by inflection of regular and irregular verbs with positron emission tomography: A comparison between single subject and group analysis."
The findings of this thesis demonstrate that regular and irregular verbs are processed in the same neural network as opposed to separate cortical areas for regular and irregular verb inflection.
This piece is subdivided into 3 sections: 1.) Introduction of regular verbs, 2.) Introduction of irregular verbs, 3.) Common neural network of regular and irregular verb inflection.
1.) Regular verbs are represented by the walking at the very beginning of this piece.
The walking is simple, straight forward and without irregularities. It is accompanied by the sound of crackling fire a metaphor for the firing neurons.
2.) In contrast, irregular verbs are represented by a huge variety of different movements: jumps, slides, turns, rolls, level changes. Irregularities are also displayed musically by using syncopes and off-beat emphasis in percussion as well as further changes in instruments.
3.) The sound of the falling rain is a cleansing moment with no movements to introduce the final section of the dance: the common neural network of regular and irregular verb processing. It is the first time that symmetrical movements occur to emphasize the common network for both verb forms. In addition, both regular and irregular movements are shown to elucidate the presence of both entities in this network.
Overall, fiber connections in the brain representing the connections between regular and irregular verbs are shown by wavy arm movements.
Κατηγορία Professors :Νικητής ο Vince LiCata, βιοχημικός στο Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, με θέμα "Resolving Pathways of Functional Coupling in Human Hemoglobin Using Quantitative Low Temperature Isoelectric Focusing of Asymmetric Mutant Hybrids."
Hemoglobin is a 4-subunit protein (a tetramer) that binds and transports oxygen. Individual alpha-subunits and beta-subunits come together to form almost inseparable dimers (boy-girl pairs with matching eye-goggle and gloves in the dance). How dimer-1 interacts with dimer-2 in the whole protein, however, depends on the exact combination of bound oxygens (white balls). If one dimer gets 2 oxygens to itself, cooperativity is reduced and it does not interact well with the other dimer. If both dimers get at least 1 oxygen, they cooperate with each other, and usually bind 2 more oxygen molecules (for a total of 4). In normal hemoglobin, the two dimers are identical. Hemoglobin tetramers with two differing types of dimers are called "asymmetric mutant hybrids" (hence the different colored goggles and gloves on each "dance-mer"). "Low temperature isoelectric focusing" is a method that freezes (literally) and takes a snapshot of the dimer-dimer interactions at different times.
Κατηγορία Popular Choice :
Νικήτρια η Markita Landry με 14,138 views και θέμα "Single Molecule Measurements of Protelomerase TelK-DNA Complexes."
My Ph.D. work involves the use of a relatively new technology called optical trapping. Using focused laser beams, (1064 nm = infrared beam = red dress) can trap dielectric particles (we use grey/black microspheres = black shirt). The laser holds the beads in place, but it is ultimately the motion of the beads that allow us to take our measurements, and that must be followed extremely precisely (in our case, our resolution is 3.4 angstroms, which is a very small length scale). This precision with regards to following the motion of the beads was my motivation for expressing the theory of optical trapping through tango, which is a dance that is heavily dependent on the ability of the follower to follow the steps that are led. These steps are non-deterministic and are made up by the leader on a real-time basis, so the follower never knows what to expect, and must always be acutely aware of their partners motions to follow correctly.
Λοιπόν, ποιός θέλει να χορογραφήσει την πτυχιακή του εργασία?? :DD
Κυριακή, Νοεμβρίου 23, 2008
Dance Your PhD!
Συνονθύλευμα νοητικών διεργασιών από
που επικράτησε των υπόλοιπων μιμιδίων στις
Κατηγοριοποιήσεις: διάφορα α-γνωσιακά
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